Monday, December 11, 2023

How to prevent anyone from adding us to Telegram groups we don't want ?


Here are some general tips that may help you control who can add you to Telegram groups:

Privacy Settings:

Open the Telegram app and go to "Settings."

Tap on "Privacy and Security."

Look for the "Groups" section.

Adjust the settings to your preference. Depending on the Telegram version, you may have options such as "My Contacts," "Contacts Except," or "Nobody" for who can add you to groups.

Invite Links:

Be cautious about clicking on invite links from unknown sources. Group admins often use invite links to add people to groups, and clicking on such links may add you to a group without your consent.

Update Your App:

Make sure your Telegram app is up to date. New features and privacy settings are often introduced in updates, so having the latest version may provide additional control over group invitations.


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