Saturday, December 16, 2023



Telegram Channel send one-way broadcast messages to the members, commonly known as subscribers. Only the admins can send messages in Telegram Channels. Other people cannot reply or send messages on the Channel.


Telegram Group is like any other chat group where people can send messages and interact. That said, the group admins get permissions to restrict messages from members, make the group public or private, make other members as Admins, etc.

People who join a Telegram Group and Channels are referred to as members and subscribers, respectively. Groups can have up to 200,000 members. That said, Telegram Channels can have unlimited subscribers.

In Groups, the members can check other members in the group. On the other hand, the Channel subscribers cannot see other participants. So, they do not know who else subscribed to the Channel. In short, Channel protects the privacy of the subscribers since they can’t see each other.


You can create Public or Private Groups as well as Channels. In private channels or groups, you need to add members or they can join using an invite link. When it comes to public groups or channels, you can use Telegram’s built-in search to look for them. So anyone can search and join them.

When new subscribers join a Telegram Channel, they can see the entire message history right till the Channel’s creation day. While the same feature is available in Groups, it can be disabled if you don’t want new members to see older messages. You can do that by turning off the chat history feature in Group settings.

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